Covid Guest Agreement

We at Sweet Haven want to communicate clearly about keeping you and our homes safe for all guests. We have new cleaning protocols, including CDC/EPA approved disinfectants, and checklists to ensure that high touch areas are cleaned between guests.
Please note that our community pool and fitness room are closed until future notice, use of playgrounds, fire pit and park facilities are open. Thanks for helping to keep our community, team, and guests safe.
In light of the current risks of Covid-19, Sweet Haven is only accepting reservations that agree to the following conditions:
Due to current recommendations and restrictions, Sweet Haven is limited to hosting multiple households from congregating together. More than 6 individuals not in the same household, or more than two households under six, who stay at a short-term rental together for social or recreational purposes are in violation of the state guidance. Please verify how many households are in your group to confirm your booking.
– All guests confirm that they have been strictly practicing social distancing within at least the two weeks prior to any visit. If you have to fly to get here, that means you should wait until it is safe to travel. Feel free to book early.
– All guests confirm that they, or close contacts, have not had any symptoms prior to a stay.
While at Olivia Beach, we also ask all of our guests to help with the following precautions:
- Wash your hands thoroughly each time you enter the home.
- We encourage all guests to wear masks in public when social distancing cannot be achieved, and masks are NOW REQUIRED in local shops, stores, and other public indoor spaces; $2k for first fine.
- Stay at least six feet away from others and avoid groups and contacts with others.
- Cough or sneeze into your elbow.
- Please remove your shoes at the door to prevent sand, dirt, and germs from spreading.
- We have opted to keep games available, but let us know if you use one, so we can take it out of circulation for other guests.
- We ask guests to strip their sheets and put all used sheets & towels on the bathroom floors or near the laundry area. If you haven’t used beds or rooms, please leave them as is and we will sanitize touch points.
- Communicate with us immediately if you are anyone in your group is ill during or after your stay, or have been traced to a confirmed case. Contact your doctor if you have these symptoms: loss of smell/taste, cough, trouble breathing, sore throat, headache, chills, fever, sore muscles, repeated shaking with chills.
- If you have any symptoms or need to be tested, isolate to a separate room from your family, and contact the Lincoln County Call Center for support: 541-265-0621 (weekdays 9AM-4PM)
We appreciate our guests care and caution in helping to prevent the spread within out communities. Please contact us if you have any concerns.
Miel & Co
Sweet Haven